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CSA Summit 2019 Recap: Email Made For You

Florian Vierke
CSA Summit 2019 Recap: Email Made For You

The 6th CSA Summit took place on the 10th-12thof April 2019 in Cologne, following the motto “Email Made For You.” This conference is hosted annually by the German Association of the Internet with 200 professionals who work in the email marketing space. Mapp made sure to secure a spot with email deliverability experts André Görmer (Director of Deliverability), Massimiliano Chiucchiu (Deliverability Specialist), and Florian Vierke (Manager of Deliverability Services) in attendance.

A wide variety of technical and marketing-related topics were covered during the event. Here are some highlights if you weren’t able to attend yourself:

  • Interactive Email: Up until now, email has been limited to a “static” state with the option to guide customers to your website in order to complete a follow-up action. The idea behind the new AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) technology is to bring the interaction directly to the web clients so that users can interact without leaving their email. “Schema” can add “meta-information” to the email as well, allowing mail clients to integrate coupon codes, flight confirmation, or delivery details in their web-UI.
  • DOIchain: Since GDPR was implemented, senders are finding it even more challenging to prove consent when sending promotional content to their list of subscribers. DOI (double-opt in) seems to be the only technical solution to prove it – but question remains: how to store the data in a secure, but still accessible, environment. The DOIchain initiative proposes to store the information in a blockchain. The next months will reveal whether the technology will be adopted broadly by ISPs. The adoption rate may also depend on the incentives and rewards ISPs will get in exchange.
  • Brand Identity and Security: Authentication and encryption are not only a matter of privacy and security but also help with a good sender reputation (supporting email deliverability). The BIMI project rewards good reputation and valid authentication in addition to displaying the brand logo directly in consumers inboxes as a trust seal. The initiative will get a further push, as Gmail has announced to implement BIMI soon as well. The CSA Summit presented all activated BIMI accounts so far (see image below), including Mapp as one of the few Email Service Providers and four of our clients.

activated bimi accounts

Key takeaways for Mapp:

Right now, Mapp already supports clients who want to set up DMARC and BIMI. For DMARC reports, our new partnership with DMARCIAN helps to provide better insights to our clients. Regarding interactive email, Mapp is working hard to be able to provide exciting email capabilities to our customers.

Mapp Email Deliverbility Team

Massimiliano and Florian from Mapp Deliverability Services

Thanks to the CSA Team and the sponsors, as well as all national and international guests who made this event possible. See you next year 😊
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