Mapp Adquiere Dressipi: Nueva Era de Soluciones de IA para Moda y Retail.
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Desarrolle sus conocimientos a su propio ritmo con las herramientas de aprendizaje de Mapp.


We value your opinion, and so do your peers!

Thank you for taking the time to review Mapp on G2. It should not take more than 10-15 minutes. Your review will help increase Mapp's awareness amongst marketers, share that our customers like us, and give valuable information to others shopping for similar technology.

1. Visit G2 to begin the review process
2. Sign into G2 by clicking on “Continue to login”
  • Option 1 - sign in with your LinkedIn account
  • Option 2 - sign in with your business email. Once you fill out the form, you’ll receive an email with a link for verification.
2. Sign into G2 by clicking on “Continue to login”
3. Fill out the survey
3. Fill out the survey
This page has 3 main sections:
  1. The Path on top of your screen indicates your review grade, the more you fill out and write the better the grade.
  2. Progress and Hints section on your right.
  3. Survey to fill out.
Certain fields have a minimum character requirement indicated under the text box. Remember the more you write the better the score.
4. Confirm you are a Mapp user
  • Click YES and upload a screenshot of your profile page in Mapp Marketing Cloud
  • Take a screenshot of your user profile and save it as a PNG or JPG for upload
4. Confirm you are a Mapp user
5. Submit your review
5. Submit your review
  • There are multiple sections to the survey. Please fill out all of them. Click on “NEXT” at the bottom of the survey, to open the next section.
  • Once you have filled out all the sections, your only option will be to submit the survey. Before you submit make sure you have filled out as much as possible:
    1. Review your grade
    2. Make sure that all green lines are at maximum.
    3. Click on “Submit” button.