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Gjensidige Interview (Customer Experience Study)

Gjensidige Interview (Customer Experience Study)');

As part of our Customer Experience Study 2021, we interviewed our customers from various backgrounds, including multichannel retail, insurance and eCommerce. We wanted to gather brand experts’ feedback on this study and get you real insights from your marketing peers on how they tackle the customer experience strategy in 2021.

Watch this interview with Gjensidige. Being a Norwegian Insurance company, Gjensidige has always been customer-focused. See how they created a CX strategy to improve customer insights, and ultimately customer experience.

Watch the interview

Gjensidige Interview (Customer Experience Study)

Gjensidige Interview (Customer Experience Study)');

As part of our Customer Experience Study 2021, we interviewed our customers from various backgrounds, including multichannel retail, insurance and eCommerce. We wanted to gather brand experts’ feedback on this study and get you real insights from your marketing peers on how they tackle the customer experience strategy in 2021.

Watch this interview with Gjensidige. Being a Norwegian Insurance company, Gjensidige has always been customer-focused. See how they created a CX strategy to improve customer insights, and ultimately customer experience.

Watch the interview